A healthy diet is far from simple, that's why we are here!
We all know that healthy eating is important and our bodies need fuel to function. Everyday Health made the perfect analogy, which describes the need for food to a 'T'.
Although it does take a lot of time and effort to eat right. Remember to never neglect your eating habits as it can lead to you becoming overweight, depressed, diabetic and cancerous. Choices you make regarding what you eat not only affect your body, but also your mind and attitude. You are what you eat!
Here are some tips and tricks to help with the process of healthy eating:
Choose a variety of foods. A well balanced diet means eating food from each food group daily. It will also make your meals more exciting
Slow down. The pace in which you eat is important. Eating slower reduces the number of calories you consume
Choose wholegrain's. Wholegrain's are powerful! They reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and type two diabetes
Always shop with a list. Plan ahead, never go to the store hungry and do not give into temptations!
Increase your protein intake. It is the most filling macronutrient, as well as helps to retain muscle mass
Water, water, water. It helps with weight loss, as well as reducing your appetite if you drink it before meals.